Sunday, October 18, 2009

Free Roman!

Apprehended like a common terrorist Saturday evening, September 26, as he came to receive a prize for his entire body of work, Roman Polanski now sleeps in prison.

He risks extradition to the United States for an episode that happened years ago and whose principal plaintiff repeatedly and emphatically declares she has put it behind her and abandoned any wish for legal proceedings.

Seventy-six years old, a survivor of Nazism and of Stalinist persecutions in Poland, Roman Polanski risks spending the rest of his life in jail for deeds which would be beyond the statute-of-limitations in Europe.

We ask the Swiss courts to free him immediately and not to turn this ingenious filmmaker into a martyr of a politico-legal imbroglio that is unworthy of two democracies like Switzerland and the United States. Good sense, as well as honor, require it.

The Roman Polanski farce has been going on long enough now. No matter what he did do or did not do (Reason and Liberty Central will publish an article on that), he ought to be freed immediately.

For in the man's woman's current injustice system, he got as much of a chance to get a fair trial as Kunta Kinte got a chance to find his soul mate at a Merle Haggard concert. How many morons are there that believe that a man accused of rape in the fundie fascist Confederate States of Dumbfuckistan or the feminazi United States of Soviet Canuckistan has a snowball's chance in hell to get a fair trial?

In the Confederate States of Dumbfuckistan (or for that matter, in any fundamentalist country) a fundie can bible thump eleven good men (and women even more easily), who don't dare arguing with Christianity, into ruling that the defendant is guilty merely for having had consensual extramarital sex. In the United States of Soviet Canuckistan (or for that matter, in any liberal democracy) a feminazi can pussy whip eleven good men (and women even more easily), who don't dare arguing with feminazism, into ruling that the defendant is guilty merely for having had consensual extrarelationshipal sex. Fundies and feminazis have as little business trying sex-related cases as racists have any business trying black people.

Just like there ought to be a moratorium on the death penalty until a system is in place to make sure that no innocent individuals are executed, there ought to be a moratorium on rape trials until fundies and feminazis that would pussy whip eleven good men into convicting an innocent man of rape for the mere "crime" of having consensual sex with a would-be slut that got cold feet in the morning are barred from serving on juries.

The corollary of a moratorium on rape trials is of course that for the time being, women will have to pack heat to fend off real rapists. Well, whenever reason is eliminated from human intercourse, force must rule.

Thanks for nothing, fundies. Thanks for nothing, feminazis.

Polanski "is a convicted criminal pedophile" and making excuses for him is "dangerous talk," [ugly feminazi] O'Neill declared earlier this month after some luminaries in Hollywood and Europe questioned a move by Swiss authorities to detain the film director for possible extradition to the U.S.

So put this dangerous talk in your pipe and smoke it, feminazi.

Free Roman!

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